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If you are a newbie, read Simon Tatham’s essay “How to Report Bugs Effectively”. The essay is available in several languages.

A bug report or help request must include:

  1. Brief description of your system. Run the following commands and show me their exact output:

    $ cat /etc/os-release
    $ uname -m
  2. How you installed Agism:

    1. If you installed a prebuilt RPM from Tapper’s Copr repository: Provide the exact name of the installed RPM package: rpm -q gnome-shell-extension-agism.
    2. If you installed a prebuilt extension pack: Provide the exact URL you used.
    3. If you built Agism from sources: Provide the exact name of the source tarball and tell what you built and installed — RPM, extension pack, or used traditional make install.
  3. In case of build problem: Exact build commands and their exact output.

  4. In case of run time problem: Run the following commands and show me their exact output:

    $ echo $XDG_SESSION_TYPE
    $ gnome-shell --version
    $ gnome-extensions show agism@agism.sourceforge.io
    $ gdbus introspect -e -d org.gnome.Shell -o /org/gnome/Shell/Extensions/Agism

    Then describe your actions, the actual Agism behavior, and your expectations.

Collect all the requested information and send the bug report to .

Source Forge